
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pianist Gussie

Though known for composition, I also was a pianist. If a composer was to choose an instrument to play, it would be a piano. Playing the piano helps composers in writing a song. Piano is an easy instrument to hear chords and melodies.


  1. Work Cited:

    "Antique Piano." Web. 23 Mar 2010. .

    Zeigler, John. "Piano Educatio Page Program." Piano Education. John M. Zeigler, 03/06/10. Web. 23 Mar 2010. .

  2. It is nice to know that you also played piano and composed! We have so much in common! How did you learn to play piano and how did you start composing?

  3. You created something that people can enjoy. That's where we are the same, my friend. We are people who create so other people will know how we are feeling though our work. Did you get lessons? Were lessons even known back in your time period? Maybe we can talk sometime. I know I'd enjoy in thoroughly!
    I do respect you a lot, Mr. Gussie. I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on art and creating it.
    Please stay in touch.

    Edgar Allan Poe

  4. The piano is one of my favorite instruments to dance and listen to anytime.

  5. i love music ! when I was perfecting my sewing machine i listened to my daughter play piano.
