
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tin Pan Alley

This is a picture of Tin Pan Alley. Your probably wondering what is Tin Pan Alley. Is it a place, person or thing? Close to the end of the 19th century, a number of more important publishers opened offices on 28th street between 5th avenue and broadway. The term "Tin Pan Alley" was attributed by a writer in the newspaper named Monroe Rosenfeld. The cacophony of the many piano's being pounded in publisher's demo room's which he characterized as sounding as if hundreds of people were pounding on tin pans. Tin Pan Alley is one of America's music publishing industries.


  1. Work Cited:

    "Tin Pan Alley." Parlor Songs. Web. 14 Mar 2010. .

    Reublin, Richard, and Robert Maine. "America's Music Publishing Industry." Parlor Songs. The Parlor Songs Association, Inc., 03/09. Web. 14 Mar 2010. .

  2. I've heard of this place! My wife enjoyed classical music.
